
Monday, February 25, 2013


Untitled Untitled January 7. Mom's bookshelves.

We're supposed to get a few inches of snow tonight and I'm looking forward to it. This past winter hasn't felt much like winter. The first measurable snowfall we had was just last week. Winter is my favorite. It inspires me to go outside. I guess I'm pretty bored with our usual routes. I want to want to go for walks again. Snow is rare enough it makes me giddy. I think I would still love it if I saw it all winter long, though.


Thursday, February 21, 2013

Prints & more!

Free shipping worldwide on society6 thru Sunday. Take a peek at my shop

January 23, a day in photos

January 23, 2013. A fairly typical day with an atypical wisdom tooth extraction thrown in. 

January 23, day in photos
darrrrk morning, 6:30-ish.

January 23, day in photos

January 23, day in photos
morning husband.

January 23, day in photos
he makes the lattes.

January 23, day in photos
we drink them in the dark.

January 23, day in photos
at about 7am this truck started beeping incessantly while it dropped a giant dumpster on the street next door. it shook the house.

January 23, day in photos
Shaun left for work. Sigh.

January 23, day in photos
I would like to lay here, but BEEP BEEP BEEP.

January 23, day in photos
messy bed.